Graphcore is hiring again after its SoftBank acquisition — but what do the roles tell us about its future focus?
When choosing Match of the Day’s new host, BBC must take a good look at Football Focus & do the EXACT opposite
BBC staff fear MOTD will go woke after ruined Football Focus was geared towards ‘snowflakes and millennials’
Israel widens focus of war to include Lebanon front
Spain tightens counter-terrorism focus on Algerian threats, media reports reveal
Big Pharma’s focus on profit is behind medicine shortages, superbug threat | Health
Wall Street Journal cuts Hong Kong staff, shifts focus to Singapore | Media
Celtics win ‘rock fight’ with Heat by turning focus to defense in Game 3
Bears say proposed Arlington Heights stadium no longer team’s ‘singular focus’
Poised Celtics dismantle Heat, use perfect playoff recipe: Focus on the business at hand