Strengthen your entire body and move more efficiently with this five-move bodyweight workout

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Strengthen your entire body and move more efficiently with this five-move bodyweight workout

There’s a plethora of benefits to strength training, from building stronger bones to increasing our muscle mass, assisting with everyday activities, reducing the likelihood of injury, lowering our blood sugars…the list goes on! You don’t need weights to get started either, your bodyweight can offer more than enough resistance (and mastering the movements properly is key). This five-move workout from Personal Trainer, Emma Simarro, is perfect for getting you started. 

Bodyweight workouts can often get a bad rep because, well, you’re using just your bodyweight, therefore many people wonder if you’ll actually be achieving much. But they can, especially when you’re starting out. According to Harvard Health: “Research published in the journal Physiology and Behavior found that, as a form of resistance training, body-weight exercise helps build muscle ‘independent of an external load’,”. As long as your body encounters resistance that forces the muscles to work harder to overcome that resistance, then you can 100% build strength, and muscle, using your bodyweight.