Mercedes-Benz CLE Cabriolet first drive: drop top elegance

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Mercedes-Benz CLE Cabriolet first drive: drop top elegance

When the sun is out there’s nothing better than driving a convertible, and as convertibles go, the Mercedes-Benz CLE Cabriolet is a pretty great option. Though some folks moan that the UK doesn’t have the climate for convertible cars, I completely disagree – I think it actually has the best climate for it. 

Firstly, you don’t want to drive with the top down in somewhere like Florida, where it’s too hot, as you’ll get a burnt scalp and a sweaty back. Give me a hard top and air con anyday. You also don’t want to drive one somewhere really cold where it snows a lot, as full thermals and a balaclava aren’t a good look when driving, unless you’re a getaway driver.