5 expert-approved exercises to help build stronger, healthier knees

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5 expert-approved exercises to help build stronger, healthier knees

Your knees may not be at the forefront of your mind when you step foot in the gym come leg day, but if you want to lift heavier, build muscle, and move more efficiently, you need to pay them some attention. Whether it be walking, running, climbing up stairs, or picking something up off the floor, healthy knees are essential for everyday movement.

“You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of having healthy knees as you age too,” says Sean Murphy Chief Personal Training Officer at Ultimate Performance.  “Conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis and sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) are concerns as we get older. I’ve trained many clients in their 60s and 70s for whom even the simple act of walking was difficult because of weak knees.”