EUR 34,000 raised for homeless man who returned a lost wallet with EUR 2,000 inside

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EUR 34,000 raised for homeless man who returned a lost wallet with EUR 2,000 inside

Hespress ENFriday 28 June 2024 – 13:52

A homeless man in the Netherlands received a good citizen award after he handed over a wallet he found stuffed with 2,000 euros in cash.

Hadjer Al-Ali, a father of two, was picking up plastic bottles in Amsterdam to make a few cents when he found the money. Officials rewarded him with a “silver thumb” good citizen award and a voucher worth 50 euros.

But the Dutch public was so taken with “Honest Hadjer” that 34,000 euros was raised for him in a single day on a funding site.

The 33-year-old said the money will change his life, allowing him to rent a home. He has even been offered jobs.

“I want to thank everyone so, so, so much… I can’t describe how I’m feeling… I’ve been inundated by people saying the sweetest, nicest things,” Hadjer said in a video posted on Instagram.

The good news may not end there. If no one claims the wallet within a year, Hadjer is set to also get the 2,000 euros.

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