For less than the price of a weekly shop, this smart home gadget could double your food’s shelf life, reduce odor and save energy

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For less than the price of a weekly shop, this smart home gadget could double your food’s shelf life, reduce odor and save energy

Smart ideas

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Vitesy’s newest eco-focused product, Shelfy, tackles two of my greatest foes; food waste and odor. After using it for three weeks I’m not sure I’m willing to part with it ever again.

You see, I’m a real stickler for using up as much food as possible in my fridge. Whether it’s leftovers from the night before or the remnants of fruits and vegetables, I’m always looking for ways to reduce food waste. You should be, too: tackling food waste is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and we’ve only got five and a half years left to meet its target of halving commercial and consumer food waste by 2030.

(Image credit: Future)

Food waste can be a massive problem, especially in smaller households. I should know, I represent one. According to studies from the NRDC, smaller households waste more food per capita: a lot of which is due to portion sizing in grocery stores and the general rule that bulk buying is more affordable for households on a budget.