Among all the Memorial Day sales unfolding, there’s a particularly good deal for anyone keen to snap up the latest Snapdragon X Elite-based laptops. You can buy one of the latest Copilot+ PCs at Best Buy and get a free 50-inch TV thrown in. Models start from $999.99 with the TV included changing depending on the laptop you’re buying.
Buy a Lenovo, Microsoft, Dell, or HP Copilot+ PC and you’ll get a 50-inch Insignia F30 Series 4K TV worth $299. Alternatively, go for a Samsung model and you’ll get a 50-inch Samsung DU7200 4K TV worth $379. To qualify for this deal, you’ll need to have a Best Buy Plus or Total membership with Plus costing $49 per year and coming with many benefits such as free 2-day shipping and exclusive prices.
The new range of Copilot+ laptops will be of interest to anyone looking for the best laptop for their situation with new AI capabilities thanks to the Snapdragon X Elite chipset, which enables new features like a chatbot called Recall and many voice commands.
Today’s best Copilot+ PC deals
Only recently announced, all the Copilot+ PCs in this deal should be something special. Our hands-on time with the Microsoft Surface Laptop went very well with our reviewer citing the phenomenal style involved and what a great price it was. That price is only more appealing when you also get a free Insignia TV thrown in.
Style wise, all the laptops in this deal should easily compete with the best Ultrabooks, while the latest AI features in Windows 11 look to be something special.
If you’re not entirely sold on a new Copilot+PC deal even with a free TV thrown in, there are other Memorial Day laptop deals available and you may wish to consult the MacBook deals for similar levels of style.