Spain’s PP pushes for set date for Melilla-Morocco customs reopening

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Spain’s PP pushes for set date for Melilla-Morocco customs reopening

Spain’s Popular Party (PP) filed a non-legislative proposal (PNL) demanding the reopening of the commercial customs of the occupied city of Melilla with Morocco with a definite date and without the need for further evidence, reported Melilla Hoy.Speaking in a press conference, Melilla MP Sofía Acedo, joined by PP senators Rafael Hernando and Carlos Floriano, also called for reciprocity in travel arrangements and for Rabat to lift the 24-hour visa restriction for cross-border workers.

Acedo grumbled that “the recent improvement in relations between Spain and Morocco had not benefited the two occupied cities of Ceuta and Melilla.” She believes that “these cities have been neglected and the situation will worsen.”

She highlighted the importance of this initiative, which she said it was requested by businessmen and ‘many Melilla residents’ with strong ties across the border,” reported the same source.

The MP concluded by stating that “the Spanish government must be constantly demanded to defend the rights of Melilla and Ceuta residents, which ultimately means defending the interests of all Spaniards.”

Earlier last month, Spanish Freight agents, in a letter to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, expressed regret and concern over the “lack of progress” regarding the reopening of customs crossings between Morocco and Spain through the occupied cities of Ceuta and Melilla, especially the latter, noting that the continued status quo has major implications for companies operating in this sector. Enric Trico, president of the Spanish Federation of Freight Agents “FETEIA” explained in the letter that the continued closure of commercial customs crossing between Melilla and Morocco for nearly six years has had a severe impact on companies operating in the sector, especially those based in this city, noting the need to be “resolve this issue as soon as possible.”